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Millennium Accounts Payable
Millennium Accounts Payable
Introduction to Millennium Accounts Payable (0:59)
Course Syllabus
Navigating the Basics (3:40)
Accounts Payable Main Tool Bar Basic Training (2:46)
Accounts Payable Options Under File Menu (1:28)
Getting Started with Accounts Payable
The Millennium Accounts Payable Philosophy (1:07)
Creating Purchase Items (8:27)
Adding Banks (2:38)
Vendor Classification Codes (1:39)
Adding Credit Cards
Shipping Methods (1:21)
Vendor Form Navigation, Options and Data Entry
Understand the workflow of the Accounts Payable Module (0:51)
Vendor Tool Bar (2:59)
Creating Tool Bar Short Cuts (1:36)
Vendor Search (0:52)
Vendor Data Entry (2:47)
Editing Vendor Information (0:25)
Calls (2:04)
Create bills for the Vendors (4:18)
Review the Recurring Purchase feature and procedures (3:53)
Vendor Action Features
Recurring Purchase Preview Report (1:06)
Run AutoPay (1:19)
Creating & Allocate Payments (Manually) (2:39)
Run Disbursements (2:12)
Print Checks (1:11)
Void Checks (0:53)
Run Purchase History (1:18)
Entering Bank Transactions
Bank Reconciliation
Credit Card Reconciliation
Purchase Orders
Purchase Order Creation (4:06)
Search for Purchase Orders (0:34)
Create a Purchase Order with a Delivery Date (0:23)
Check in Purchase Orders (1:02)
Bill Purchase Orders (1:39)
Common mistakes when working with Purchase Orders Coming Soon (1:19)
Accounts Payable Reporting
Access Accounts Payable Reports (0:37)
Accounts Payable (2:28)
Bills on Payment Hold (1:22)
Cash Requirements (1:01)
Form 1099 Report (0:30)
Inventory Delivery (1:32)
Missing Checks (0:42)
Print Checks (1:11)
Purchase Analysis (2:39)
Purchase Category Codes (0:54)
Purchases by Month by Year (1:06)
Purchase Orders (2:26)
Purchase Order Line Item Detail (0:57)
Recurring Purchases Listing (0:56)
Taxes Billed (1:07)
Unallocated Payments / Credits (0:52)
Unprinted Checks (0:38)
Unreconciled Items (0:53)
Vendor Listing (0:32)
Understanding Grid Reports in the Millennium Management Software (8:01)
Brief Course Evaluation
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Review the Recurring Purchase feature and procedures
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